About Christophe Delsol

Christophe Delsol :: Super Affiliate Workstation
Christophe Delsol Super Affiliate

My name is Christophe Delsol. I was born in Sao Paulo, graduated from high school in Cairo and spent most of my childhood in France. I now have been in the USA for the last 2 decades. I have 3 nationalities and enjoy people, good times and making money online.

I’m a software engineer turned entrepreneur since 1998. Affiliate marketing has been one of my successes. I discovered internet marketing at the end of 2005. In September 2007, I had my first month with “take home” profits above $30k. I never looked back. In 2010, I sold over $15 million dollars of products and services.

If you have come here to learn how to make money online you came to the right spot. I will teach you how to make money online and as importantly I will motivate and guide you in this endeavor.

Why am I doing this site?
– I always like helping others, been doing that since my school day.
– Having to explain and teach others is a great way for me to master even further my knowledge.
– I like interacting/exchanging with others.
– It wasn’t until one of my best friends (Bill) got sick that I started this site in an effort to teach him how to become a successful affiliate marketer (he was going to need the income). He was 53, very healthy and “retired” since years when a major heart issue hit him. He passed away 4 months later. I dedicate this website to him.
– My dream is to make money helping others.

My plan:
My first articles and videos will focus on beginners. Once the basics are covered, I will gradually get into the more advanced internet marketing techniques and topics.

The posts on my site are divided into 3 categories:
– Internet Marketing (How to make money online)
– Business (Tips on running a small business)
– Life (Miscellaneous and sometimes uplifting posts about this field and life in general)

Get to know Christophe Delsol videos:
How I discovered internet marketing